Here is Diane's account of the 3 perfect days that happened over the course of her month of Liberation. The 3 perfect days gave weight to Zamboni's theory. She wanted to re-open the veins and consider a stent.
The most perfect of the 3 was going with my husband, son and dog early on a sunday to the former Don Valley Brick Works. If you're from Toronto, you may know that it's now a beautiful reclaimed area for indigenous plants and trees and water that has attracts loads of birds, frogs, snapping turtles and more. My husband would often take the dog there and I'd hear about how great it is. Now I know first hand! It was the longest walk I'd had in years and it was glorious!
Another perfect day was at the office. I put in a full day and only used my cane once, which was when I left the building to pick up some lunch. I was walking so well the cane got in my way. And my bladder behaved, which was such a bonus.
The last perfect day was when I managed to contribute to dinner prep, which has also become a rarity. I washed and chopped and cleaned the counters. I didn't do any cooking, but I made a salad with lots of ingredients. When we sat down to eat, I felt happy that I was responsible for part of the meal.
Some neurologists might say any improvement is a result of the placebo effect. If that's what it was, I want more! (But I think that's hooey, quite frankly.)
I'm already nostalgic for those 3 days and look forward to more in the not too distant future.
This journey elevates the simple, reminding us to find the bliss around us. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of heaven and it looks a lot like today (except it's symptom free) and nothing is taken for granted.
Stay tuned for the next leg of her journey...